Figure 8


Figure 8

Figure 8 Follow-Through

The figure 8 follow through loop is the most common way to attach a climbing rope to your harness.

  1. Take up an arms length of rope (you'll figure out what length is right for you with practice. This is longer than the amount shown in the pictures).
  2. Tie a figure 8 in the rope. This is like a normal overhand knot but with one extra twist before going through the hole.

  1. Pass the free end of the rope through both hard-points in your harness.

  1. Follow the figure 8 back through, starting with the more difficult side and maintaining parallel lines throughout.

  1. Snug it up (dress the knot). There should be at least 6 inches of tail.

Figure 8 on a bight

The figure 8 can also be tied on a bight of rope to create a loop (e.g. in a pre-equalized trad anchor).

Beware of tension on both strands outside the knot. The figure 8 rolls easily in this configuration! Make sure to keep something clipped in to the loop to prevent this.

Figure 8 bend

The figure 8 can also be used to join two equal diameter strands of rope together. This is similar to the figure 8 follow-through. This knot is suitable for use in anchors (e.g. joining a cordelette into a loop).

Figure 9

The figure 9 is the figure 8 with one or more extra twists. This uses more material so is useful if you need to shorten an anchor, for instance.

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